Thursday, October 15, 2015

Homemade Bath Salts

I love bath salts!  They are kind of pricey, though.  It is so fun to make your own, and really inexpensive.  So, here is how I do it.

I like to put dried flowers in my bath salts for color and smell variety.  I took dried calendula, hibiscus, rosehips and lavender and grinder them up in a grinder.

Then I take Himalayan Pink Salt, and a finer salt such as orsa salt, which I used today.  You can literally use any type of salt, epsom salt is a really great one as well.  I put them all in a big glass bowl.

Then I take whatever essential oils I'm in the mood for.  Today I used Thieves and Lavender from Young Living, as well as Patchouli, Helichrysum and Ylang Ylang from Florihana (very pricey oils but very good).  I put in 5-10 drops of each oil, depending on which scent I really want to stand out.

Then I mix them all together really good to try and make sure asa much of the salt gets coated as possible.

Time to mix in the beautiful dried flowers!  This is totally optional....if you want to tint your salts, then you would add the food coloring AFTER you add the oil, and BEFORE you add the dried flowers.  Make sure you use plant based food coloring that doesn't have the harmful dyes in it.

Now I take the salts and put them in glass jars that I have saved.  I really love old mason jars or Pink Zebra jars (scented soy based wax for warmers), or even old herb and spice jars.

I love the color variation in the salts.  I did not use dye in these because I really like the natural look the himilayan pink salt and orsa salt lend to the finished product.  Enjoy!

***If pregnant, please check which oils are safe to use - most do not recommend using bath salts during pregnancy.

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