Saturday, November 1, 2014


I promised everyone to post a free recipe every week to celebrate the fact that our book, Earth's Healing Essential Oils will be out soon.  We had so much fun making this book and it seems to be what everyone is looking for these days.  A book with over 1000 recipes for everything from Abscesses to Yeast infections, all in alphabetical order!  Our recipes are fast, easy, fun and effective.  So I am posting free recipes so that you can begin enjoying the remedies from our book and not have to wait!  I thought for this time of year, a good recipe would be for the flu and other muscle cramping illnesses.  We don't want anyone sick during the upcoming holidays.  You can follow our blog or webpage to be sure you have access to all of our Free recipes for the next couple of months.
Much Love and Healing to you all,

Ache and Pain Bath Reliever

Once you have the flu, the body is in a lot of pain in the muscles, joints, and it feels like it's in the bones themselves.  This healing, soothing bath will help a person to feel more like them old selves without all the muscle pain.  The Essential Oils can help to treat a myriad of symptoms while bathing in what seems and feels more like luxury than a remedy.  

5 drops Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
5 drops Lavender
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Cypress
1 Tbl. Carrier Oil
1 Tbl. Milk

As the bath water is running, pour the Essential Oils and the Carrier Oil (any oil you like: Jojoba, Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Grape seed Oil, etc.) and the milk
into the bath.  Make sure that the water is not so hot as to cause the Essential Oils to dissipate. The milk will break up the oil so that it is not floating on top of the water and adhering to the skin.  A person may soak in this healing bath as long as they are comfortable.


1 comment:

  1. Hello there ladies! First of all thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge through a book and for giving us some free recipes as well. I love these types of healing technics and will definitely buy the book.

    I am fro m Puerto Rico and we've recently had outbreaks of Chikungunya, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Some of symptoms of this disease are severe muscle and joint pain, and to most people it is very difficult to find a good remedy to relieve the pain. Do you think this recipe could work for the pains associated with this disease? My grandmother has it and I haven't found anything that works for her.

    I appreciate any help you could give me.


    Stephanie Agosto
