Tuesday, December 9, 2014

FREE ESSENTIAL OIL RECIPE, better late than never!

Hello Essential Oil lovers,
So much has been going on in our lives that we had to put our little blog on hold.  Things are going great and all the chicks are back in their nests.  It's time to resume our free Essential Oil recipes and give everyone a little insight into some of the magic going on in our book.  Our book, Earth's Healing Essential Oils, is about to be sent out to publishers…..so keep your fingers crossed that it will be picked up soon and then we can all get a copy!  I am so hopeful about the joy and ease that this book is going to bring to everyone.
So now for the recipe.  Everyone is getting the winter blahs….and we are finding our energy levels going down and our happiness turning to boredom.  How about a little recipe that will pick you up and help you to enjoy your surroundings again?  Sounds good to me too.  Leave a comment and let me know what kind of recipes you are interested in getting and I am sure to have something to fulfill your wishes.
Check out the recipe below so that the winter blues don't drive you mad!

Energy Air
It’s hard to stay seated and do nothing from fatigue when this recipe is being diffused, as it permeates the air and brings energizing aromas to your home, body and soul.
3  - drops Peppermint
1  - drop cinnamon
4  - drops Ylang-Ylang

Most diffusers come with directions for using Essential Oils.  Add the water specified for your diffuser and add the oils to the diffuser and run your delightful diffuser several times a day to receive the desired effect.  Yield: one application

I hope this recipe will bring you some much needed energy and give you that lift you need.  Check back periodically for updates, free prizes, and free recipes.

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